The Blade (Style section) 2021-12-05 Dressed to impress "Traeonna, owner of Kimono Kitsune, an educational and dressing service, poses in kimono."

Dressed to Impress – The Blade

Our owner was interviewed by our local newspaper, The Blade. The article was both in print in the Arts section as well as on the website ( on December 5, 2021.

The Blade 2021-12-05 Article "Dressed to impress: Japanese kimono aren't foreign to students of the art form in northwest Ohio"

To view the full article, click on images below for PDF or link to newspaper website.

A few corrections and clarifications to the article (Traeonna didn’t see it before print so she had no way to correct things):

  • komon (not kimon) and mofuku (not mofuko)
  • The kimono lessons for the club up in Detroit was not recent (at the time of the article) and due to the pandemic had not happened yet.
  • Traeonna is not sure if she can be considered one of Billy’s first apprentices, but at the time of the article, she had been studying with Billy for about 1 year 7 months.
  • Traeonna did not dress 50 people in 90 minutes, but there were around 50 people who attended her 90-minute presentation for the Japanese Student Association at the University of Toledo and she dressed or helped dress at least half of them.

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